Video: Trump’s give-away why he’s soft on white supremacists?

Eugenics is a discredited theory involving the belief that certain characteristics are inherently genetic, aimd at the ‘improvement’ of the human ‘breeding stock’ by selective breeding. It was beloved of the nazis and used in nazi Germany and elsewhere to justify race laws and laws against intermarriage, as well as to justify the euthanasia of disabled people.

White supremacists in various places and eras have argued until not too long, and sadly not long enough, ago that people of other ethnic groups are innately less intelligent than whites – that inferiority is genetically-linked to ‘racial’ traits.

US President Donald Trump has been widely criticised for his failure to condemn the white supremacist groups responsible for violence in Charlottesville over the weekend in which at least one person was killed in a terrorist vehicle attack – and a rediscovered video put together last year by the Huffington Post may give a clue as to why.

In the video, which contains clips of Trump at varying ages, he talks of how proud he is of his genes, his German heritage and his belief that his ‘intelligence’ and his ‘success’ are genetically inherent:

Trump’s failure to condemn the racist groups that caused havoc and death in Charlottesville last weekend may be just political – that he sees them as part of his ‘base’ that he can’t afford to alienate. But might there be more to it?

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