Tory press finally admits: we want you uneducated so you’ll vote Tory


There was a remarkable admission in Saturday’s Telegraph. One that many of us have intuited for a long time but never expected to see simply admitted by those behind the constant attempts to deceive people into supporting a Tory party that robs them:

Being unintelligent and uneducated helps you vote Conservative.

That wasn’t quite the phrasing used in the headline, but it was as near as makes no difference:

There you have it: education makes you move left and reject the idiocy of voting for a party that has only the interests of its insiders at heart.

Mind you, the article, much of which sits behind a paywall that no sensible person would consider putting money into, seems pretty dim itself. It repeats a lie that has been so thoroughly debunked this week that even the least-educated hustler would be embarrassed to re-use – the idea that Corbyn made any kind of pledge to cancel student debt.

This has been shown by Channel 4’s Fact Check – as well as by the SKWAWKBOX and, for that matter, simple common sense – to be nothing more than deliberate hogwash.

The fact that the Tories are still using such tired and discredited nonsense suggests… well, it suggests that the very expensive private schooling and university education of the Tory ‘elite’ (that last word typed with tongue firmly in cheek of course) has failed to make a silk purse out of the sow’s ear of their brain.

Or to add a milligram of integrity to what passes for their character.

Which certainly explains a lot of right-wing publications and gossip sites – and why the Tories want those who do go to university burdened with debt (unless your parents are rich, of course), to keep them preoccupied with other matters than, say, overthrowing a corrupt government and system.

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