Durham Miners Gala’s public smack-down of Progress faction

As if being an event attended by hundreds of thousands of socialists and solidly behind Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn wasn’t reason enough to like the Durham Miners Gala (DMG), the team behind the event earned it even further kudos by throwing very public shade at the arch-rivals of the pro-Corbyn majority of members, Progress.

On Thursday evening, the good folk at DMG sent out a terse tweet addressed to the Progress Twitter account about the organisation’s  unauthorised use of images of the DMG HQ:


To be fair to Progress, its deputy editor responded fairly quickly to ask for the urls of the offending links so he could address the problem – although at the time of writing they have still not been removed – but other supporters were quick to criticise DMG for wanting to distance itself from the right-wing pressure group:

As the miners promptly pointed out, the image was not being used just for ‘campaigning for Labour’, but instead for doing the Tories’ job for them and attacking Labour’s superb and widely-lauded manifesto – as the image below, from which the right-wing nonsense has been blurred out to avoid giving it oxygen, shows:

The Facebook article DMG linked to is a direct attack on a document that a majority of Labour voters identified as being key to their decision to vote Labour at the recent General Election – and one that ignores or smears the detailed costings it contained. It’s hard to escape the feeling that it was written purely to have something, anything negative to say. Of course others may see it differently, but the commenters on the post seem not to be among them.

Progress is floundering at the moment – a fact welcomed by most Labour supporters who are behind the party’s vision under Jeremy Corbyn and who know anything about Progress. The group lost its main donor and has been pleading for support in articles boasting of its efforts, not to win the General Election but to control Labour’s Conference in Brighton later this year:

The irony of the fact that prioritising control of the party over winning elections was a favourite fall-back jibe (not to mention simply untrue) of Progress and its supporters against left-wing, pro-Corbyn members will not be lost on most readers of this blog.

Bravo Durham Miners Gala. Keep up the good work. As for Progress, if its demise arrives as many expect, it will not be missed.

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