#Grenfell video: “move north or be ‘intentionally homeless’, lose all support

The scandal of the treatment of the survivors of the Grenfell Tower catastrophe goes from shameful to vile.

As one of the survivors testifies in the video below, survivors are already being shipped out as far north as Preston in Lancashire – with some reports of people being offered as far north as Northumberland.

But these are not ‘offers’ in any meaningful sense of the word, because survivors are being told that if they fail to accept an offer they will be declared intentionally homeless.

And if you make yourself intentionally homeless, you do not qualify for any support or assistance:

Others have already been offered accommodation in a ‘carbon copy’ of the building that haunts their nightmares or told that if they accept an offer of free temporary accommodation they will be removed from the rehoming list altogether, but this is even worse.

Local residents have told the SKWAWKBOX they feel they’re being treated more as criminals than as victims – and have said again and again that their greatest fear is being separated from the community that has supported them both before and after the blaze.

To the disgrace and shame of the council and the government, in spite of Theresa May’s promise on TV to the contrary, that appears to be exactly what is being done to them.

It must not be allowed to happen.

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