Explosive: Rudd tries to censor election opponent to hide Saudi terror allegations #GE17

The SKWAWKBOX wanted to remain silent until this evening out of respect for the victims of last night’s terror atrocity and our hearts go out to those affected and their families.

But information that has come to light – and Theresa May’s clear attempt to politicise events – mean that it would be a dereliction of this blog’s purpose and duty to wait.

Theresa May this morning attempted to blame ‘too much tolerance’ for the attacks last night, in Manchester and on Westminster Bridge and is clearly positioning herself to exploit them in order to restrict civil liberties. A separate article will address her speech in detail.

But as broadcaster Paul Lewis highlighted this morning, May has blocked publication of a report into the funding of terrorism until at least after the election and possibly permanently – because it allegedly focuses on the central role of Saudi Arabia:

Yesterday, before the terror attacks, Home Secretary Amber Rudd appeared at a hustings in Rye with other candidates as part of the contest for the Hastings and Rye seat she occupied as Tory MP until Parliament was dissolved. Rudd faces a challenge by Nicholas Wilson, a man who has spent over a decade campaigning on the issue of alleged corruption involvement banks and the Tories.

Shockingly, Rudd – who, along with May, talks freely of the hatred terrorists hold for Western democracy – attempted to block democratic processes during the hustings by asking the chair to censor her opponents comments about her alleged political and financial links and actions in Saudi Arabia.

And the whole thing was captured on video:

Rudd can clearly be seen scribbling a note as the allegations come out and passing it to the chair, who rings a bell to interrupt and then even attempts to take the microphone away from Wilson – to outrage from the crowd.

The Tories are firm supporters of Saudi Arabia and of Britain’s financial and trade links with that Kingdom. They are very keen to prevent the public hearing about Saudi Arabia’s reported links to ISIS.

And Ms Rudd is clearly very keen to prevent voters in Hastings and Rye hearing about them.

All while Theresa May positions for an assault on our civil liberties, using as a reason attacks by terrorists connected to the same group a report claims the Saudis support.

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