Gove says MSM right-wing bias is ok – because SKWAWKBOX

Former Education Secretary and Conservative leadership candidate Michael Gove became the latest to name-check the SKWAWKBOX on Thursday night – in an interesting way.

Gove, responding to rapper Akala’s piece on such bias and presenter Andrew Neil’s subsequent question whether print media have become less relevant, responded that they have – but, continuing their discussion about bias, suggests that it’s ok for the mainstream media to be biased.

Because people have left-wing options like The Canary and this blog:

Of course, it’s always nice to be noticed, but the idea that the existence of independent media makes it ok for the mass-circulation press and national broadcasters to be biased against left-wing figures and ideas is as nonsensical as Gove’s infamous ‘we’ve had enough of experts’ comment.

But it does reinforce the importance of the efforts of publications like The Canary, other great sites like Evolve Politics, Vox Political and Another Angry Voice – and even of your humble servants at this blog.

So whether it’s the SKWAWKBOX or another favourite site, do please support your independent media and make sure to keep sharing the articles and raising awareness of information the public needs, but will never find in the pages of most papers or on their television screens (except when the MSM are playing catch-up with the independents, of course).

Amusingly, Andrew Neil then gives away a very personal observation of Theresa May when he then says that the General Election campaign has,

rumbled Theresa May, hasn’t it? It’s shown her to be a pretty second-division politician.

Indeed – and this is another rare personal admission from a veteran broadcaster that only goes to highlight how lacklustre, craven and downright incompetent May is, if she can push ‘impartial’ interviewers to such candour.

Gove’s subsequent admission that it makes him a ‘Vauxhall Conference’ one, since she hammered him in the Conservative leadership contest requires no further comment from this blog – but we’re sure that the teachers who used to suffer under him will fill in the blanks via the comments.

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