Knives sharpened as YouGov shows Tories losing majority #GE17

As Sam Coates of the Times reports this evening, YouGov’s latest suggests that Theresa May’s campaign has been so catastrophic that the Tories are on track to lose their Parliamentary majority.

Last weekend’s polling showed the Tories with a tiny, 2-seat majority – but all the momentum was with Labour and even senior Tories were admitting that Corbyn’s surge had the Conservatives in a panic.

Tonight’s prediction suggests they were right:

John Curtice’s observations after the local elections suggested that Tory polling may be inflated by as much as 10%, so the real picture may be even worse for nasty party – and likely to slide even further over the final nine days of campaigning.

The SKWAWKBOX hears that knives are already being sharpened at CCHQ and alliances are already under discussion among senior Tories jockeying for position for a tilt at the party leadership as soon as results are known on 9 June. Theresa May gambled everything on her arrogant expectation of a larger majority by calling the snap election and there will be no Tory kindness if/when that expectation is shown to be as foolish as it’s starting to appear.

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