Tory media just won #GE17 – for Labour – with leaked #LabourManifesto

So, just as Corbyn’s team were playing an extremely clever game by making the media wait for an official announcement on tuition fees and letting speculation build anticipation, someone at Labour HQ decided to leak Labour’s entire manifesto.

Well, not quite. What they released is an early draft, but one which contains the bones of Labour’s vision under Corbyn.

And the right-wing media have just committed a colossal mistake – shot themselves in the foot, in fact – by going huge on it.

Because it’s fantastic.

It captures the scale and boldness of vision that has crowds like this turning out even in Tory cities:

Of course the Torygraph (T) and the right-wing ticks still embedded in Labour are sneering at the document and assuming it will be damaging – bears s**t in the woods, it’s what they do.

But all they’re achieving is showing how incredibly out of touch and redundant they are.

The T is attempting to portray the document as some march back in time to the bad old days. Well, it would, wouldn’t it – being owned by a billionaire and all. But if there was any honesty its front page would look like this:

But the detail of the article shows, in a way that even T propagandists can’t airbrush away, the boldest and most people-friendly political manifesto seen in this writer’s lifetime.

It’s well known that a big majority of the British public think Corbyn’s policies are excellent – but don’t know they’re Labour policies because of the MSM (mainstream media) misrepresentation.

They’ll know now!

Here are just some of the policies – which have already been shown to be massively popular:

There is – in absolute seriousness – nothing in that list for the vast majority of thinking human beings in this country to dislike.

Some people get it. Like comedian Josie Long:

And now it’s headline news – and just about everybody in this country knows who to vote for if they want it. And as even the MSM has been saying for months – nearly everyone wants it.

They also just gave every Labour supporter in this country a ready-made opportunity to discuss this absolutely bloody fantastic manifesto with colleagues, friends, family, the person in the queue at the supermarket – even with those who would never normally discuss politics.

Talk about unintended consequences. In attempting to damage Labour with a leaked document, the Tory press has just very possibly won the General Election – for Labour.

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