SKWAWKBOX still under attack, please share – and help if you can

As the SKWAWKBOX reported last month, the subject of one of its exposés has made a vexatious threat of legal action, in spite of the subject’s legal team admitting that s/he did do as the article conveyed.

This blog made a thorough, prompt and vigorous response to the threatening letter, showing point by point that the claim had no basis, including legal advice provided to the SKWAWKBOX that the release of the information was covered by truth and the public interest, as well as providing further information that was not in the original article.

Finally, after a number of chasers, a response has been received from the other party’s lawyers indicating that s/he is still threatening action, even though the article has never contained what they originally stated they were complaining about.

The SKWAWKBOX has reserved the right to publish any and all details of the correspondence and evidential information gathered, because of the overwhelming public interest involved, so more information may follow shortly if the matter is not resolved sensibly.

Because of the persistent attempt to intimidate this blog over a merely factual article, the SKWAWKBOX is looking to strengthen its legal fighting fund against the likelihood of further expense.

If you wish to donate to the fund to ensure we can keep bringing you the information that the Establishment doesn’t want you to hear, please click here. Your support is appreciated.

The SKWAWKBOX is provided free of charge but depends on the generosity of its readers to be viable. If you found this information helpful and can afford to, please do click here to arrange a one-off or modest monthly donation via PayPal. Thanks for your support so this blog can keep bringing you information the Establishment would prefer you not to know about.

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