Labour ‘reeling from Copeland’? No, Labour winning in THE CITY OF LONDON

PoliticsHome and the Huffington Post have run this morning with stories of a Corbyn ‘staffing crisis’ with a supposed ‘exodus’ – three people, two of whom are leaving for health reasons (no speech marks on that, thank you).

Neither contains a single word from any of the staff who are leaving, as no doubt their comments wouldn’t fit the narrative.

The articles are little more than an attempt to manufacture the perception of Labour falling apart or, as the Huffington Post puts it,

still reeling from its defeat to the Conservatives in the Copeland by-election

Lazy, contemptible ‘journalism’.

Meanwhile, in actual news worthy of the name but which seems glaringly absent from the mainstream, Labour was busy last night – not ‘reeling’, but winning.

In the City of London, no less.

Five seats on the authority’s two-chamber council.

Let’s put this into context: Labour don’t win in the city of London. Even Reuters – about the only source to make much of the news, is calling it ‘historic’:

Why is it historic? The City is the heart of the country’s finance industry and natural Tory territory. Until 2008 or so, Labour didn’t even bother to field candidates, so low were its chances considered. In 2009, Labour won a single candidate.

Last night, in the midst of a so-called crisis and supposedly disastrous polling, Labour won five. Five out of eight, no less.

Are things tough for Labour right now? Of course – with an incessant media onslaught (even the Westminster terror attack was being used to smear Labour on radio this morning – a new low even for right-wing ‘journalists’) determined to paint Labour as unelectable, things are not going to be easy.

But if anyone tries to claim pollsters and pundits have a clue how to interpret the current, volatile soup of politics and pontificate about who’s electable and who isn’t, point them to this:

Labour winning five times more seats than they have ever won, in a single night – in the very bosom of finance-capitalism. And as a socialist party under a socialist leader – not some lukewarm, curdled-milk, ‘centrist’, ‘business as usual’ offering.

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