Can you spare a pound or two to help this fantastic campaigner in need?

Most SKWAWKBOX followers will know @Rachael_Swindon as a fantastic blogger, campaigner and creator of some of the hardest-hitting, highest-quality political memes you’ll find.

What you might not know is that she’s a full-time mother and carer for a disabled husband, who manages on even less sleep than I do to somehow do what she does to raise awareness of the evils of this government and who has been scraping by without benefits for months because of a government error.

She didn’t ask me to write this, in fact I had to twist her arm to let me when I found out that she was facing an unexpected and unavoidable financial emergency. I’ve helped directly as much as I can afford to but – as was demonstrated when all you lovely people helped me – I have fantastically kind and generous followers.

I’m looking for as many people as possible to chip in a pound or two, to meet a vital need – you won’t find a more deserving recipient.

Her blog is here – please click through and use the donate button you’ll see on the left-hand side. No amount is too small and your help will be vital. Thank you.

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