Knives come out for #Nuttall – and further corroboration of #UKIP ‘#EU fraud’

After UKIP leader Paul Nuttall’s abject humiliation in Stoke and complete Hillsborough implosion during a campaign he fully expected to win when it started, it is no surprise to see that the knives are starting to come out for him and his ‘leadership’.

In a series of articles on the ‘UKIPdaily’ site, Nuttall comes in for frank criticism even from those claiming to be his ‘friend’, with questions raised over his maturity, his sense and his honesty. Here are a few choice samples:

From an article titled ‘Crocodile Tears‘:

From ‘Time to Grow up‘:

And from ‘Some thoughts on the result in Stoke on Trent‘:

It seems clear that the agitating is beginning for Nuttall’s removal.

But that’s not all that is revealed. ‘Time to Grow up’ also contains further corroboration of the allegations against UKIP in general and Nuttall in particular that they are using EU-funded staff for purposes that are not legal – of which UK political campaigning is emphatically one:

Lisa Duffy is the EU-funded ‘assistant’ of UKIP MEP Patrick O’Flynn and should not be spending weeks of her time running a campaign for election to the UK Parliament.

The SKWAWKBOX understands that this fact has now been reported to the EU’s OLAF anti-fraud unit, which is already investigating UKIP for alleged fraud of €20 million and alleged involvement in the creation and distribution of child pornography. It will shortly also be reported to Staffordshire Police and the Electoral Commission.

It looks like UKIP is turning on its leader and in severe danger of then eating itself, as its previous attempts to elect a successor to Nigel Farage have shown a dearth of candidates with even a shred of credibility. Neither will be a cause for mourning for the vast majority of the country.

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