UKIP tries to fight back in Stoke. It’s both pitiful and typical

So, there’s supposedly an outcry now in Stoke about ‘undue spiritual influence’ after an anonymous text was sent to some Muslim voters in Stoke Central saying they’d go to hell if they didn’t vote Labour.

Yeah, right.

In spite of everyone – even the Scum ‘newspaper’ acknowledging that the texts were anonymous – the blame has been pinned by right-wingers on a local Labour-supporting Muslim, Navid Hussain.

Because he wrote a political and entirely non-religious Facebook post saying people would be helping UKIP win if they voted LibDem:

Of course, it would be completely out of character for UKIP to seek advantage by spuriously blaming someone with a brown face, wouldn’t it?

Not insignificantly, the person who appears to have ‘reported’ the text ‘happens’ to be a Muslim who supports UKIP – who would also, therefore, ‘happen’ to know enough to add a few words of pious-sounding Arabic to a text.

Did UKIP councillor Tariq Mahmood create the text to try to deflect attention from the woes piled up on the head of UKIP leader and by-election candidate Paul Nuttall? It’s certainly extremely convenient timing for UKIP and it seems some sources are saying they are the source:

Who knows for sure? Certainly not the SKWAWKBOX. But it’s just as likely – and perhaps more so – as it coming from a pro-Labour Muslim whose Facebook post exhorting people to vote Labour instead of LibDem without a single pious Arabic word.

If UKIP are this desperate – and this is not the only indication that they are – then they are terrified of the feedback they’re receiving on the Stoke Central doorstep and of their own local polling.

I was going to write a more in-depth dissection of this risible smear, but the UKIP Exposed blog has already done a thoroughly excellent one, so instead I’ll point you to that, if you want a grasp of the details of the ‘fake news’ attempt and the right-wing pseudo-hysteria over it, here.

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