
High Court rules government’s anti-protest law enabling more police action is unlawful

Legal challenge to government’s lowered threshold to classify inconvenient protest to allow police to intervene succeeds

A legal challenge by rights group Liberty has won its court case against the government over its change to the definition of protests this morning.

The government had used ‘secondary legislation’ to push through a change to the definition of serious – avoiding proper parliamentary scrutiny – that meant anything more than ‘minor’ was ‘serious’, allowing police to lower the bar to escalating their actions to break up protests. The proposed changes had already been rejected in the Lords, so the government was using the move to bypass usual parliamentary process. Liberty said the government had no legal power to do this and the High Court has agreed that it acted unlawfully.

Liberty has demanded that police forces immediately cease the use of the new definition. The government has said it will appeal the ruling.

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  1. Was just gonna post this on the previous thread.

    Yet another unlawful move by the rags that the genial lawyer keef approved of.

    And he brags about being DPP? I seriously wonder how he got the bleedin’ job; after all, it’s another public schoolboy clique and they all have their particular *ahem* peccadilloes

    …Certainly wasn’t on talent.

  2. Although it’s live-streamed*, the genocide of Palestinians is only ‘plausible’ (so as to not upset the genocide-enabling POTUS), but on this one the UK High Court calls the spade a ‘Spade’ and a shovel a ‘Shovel’. The High Court finds Government anti-protest legislation “UNLAWFUL” after Liberty legal challenge. Thanks Liberty. Thanks Skwawkie for reporting it.

    * See jeremy’s video “We’re live-streaming Genocide” on DDN.

      1. The deadline for PPC nominations is June 7th

        The clock is ticking.😉

      2. Dave – Really, I wasn’t aware that the ICIP was subject to any deadlines.

        The ICJP are a group of lawyers, academics and politicians that makes public statements and organise legal actions in relation to the human rights of Palestinians. How much influence do you think that the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians actually has.

        You’re more than welcome to come back and tell me all about it when and IF the ICC ever issue an arrest warrant.

      3. That seems to have rattled your cage somewhat Billy.

        “A lie can be three times around the world before the truth has got its boots on.”

        Time will tell.

        You do sound a trifle concerned. Have you something to hide kid?

      1. qwertboi – Thanks for the link. No I didn’t miss it, this hadn’t been published at the time that I wrote.
        When is he expected to announce that he is standing?

    1. Dave – Keir has already got a new job lined up, he is going to be the Prime Minister of the UK.

      1. Toffee – No, we are very happy living where we are thanks🌞

        Why are you so obsessed with where I live?

      2. Dave – Oh dear, if only you and your ‘comrades’ actually had something even remotely tangible to offer the electorate. The sad fact is that you have SFA to offer and no amount of Putin’s propaganda will change that.

      3. Toffee – Why big man, is this another of your infamous gotchas? 🥱

      4. Temporary Captain of a sinking ship which will only accelerate as a result of the person at the helm and his policies is hardly cause for wild celebrations. Particularly for those actually on the ship rather than those who have long abandoned it (allegedly).

        The fact that Herr “Davos over Westminster” is likely to an underling answerable to the likes of someone like Tony Blair at the WEF rather than the electorate is likely to make any such administration an even more disastrous one than the present one for the majority of people here.

        The old adage of being careful what you wish for applies.

      5. Toffee – No,


        Now rescind your nationality and the vote you shouldn’t have, hypocrite.

        And as for having anything to offer the electorate – “What a fucking liberty” as Catherine Tate’s Nan would say.

        You’re not even resident. I am, and so are millions like me, And we know first hand that keef offers us NOTHING, mister green paper

      6. TFFT.
        Your welcome. Do you feel better now that you’ve got that off your chest? 😘

        Now rescind your nationality and the vote you shouldn’t have, hypocrite.
        Thanks, but no thanks. I’m quite happy to maintain my dual nationality and who do you think that you are to challenge my right to vote. Could you explain why you think this is in any way hypocritical? Do you actually know what the word means?

        And as for having anything to offer the electorate – “What a fucking liberty” as Catherine Tate’s Nan would say.
        You are more than welcome to explain what you and your comrades have to offer the electorate. The whole country will be sat on the edge of their seats waiting to see what you have to say’

        You’re not even resident. I am, and so are millions like me
        I hadn’t appreciated that you are a xenophobe.

        And we know first hand that keef offers us NOTHING, mister green paper
        I’ll send you a link to the Labour Party’s Manifesto when it is published, you can then let us all know the policies that you don’t like and why.

      7. Rather loath impart an innocuous morsel of information, aren’t ya, wee gobshite?

        Why is that? Could it something to do with my previous gotchas being evidenced ?

        You know? The PROOF you’re always asking for, then risibly denying when confronted with it?

        Oh, I suppose that GDPR applies now, does it?

      8. Toffee – It’s not a secret, the information you want is on these pages. If you want it then go find it.

      9. So you keep claiming Billy. But you offer no evidence to support your increasingly bizzarre rantings and misrepresentations.

        The alternatives have been explained to you previously. Its not anyone else’s problem that your Corbyn and Putin Derangement Syndrome’s prevent you from engaging with reality.

        Tell us, Billy, how real is this so called democracy of yours when we cannot even elect a candidate as a PPC in favour of ending a genocide because anyone who is in favour is portrayed as an “anti-semite” or a “Putin Puppet”?

        Its long past time you grew up and out of this childish posturing nonsense.

      10. Dave – Don’t be ridiculous, it is self evident that there is nothing stopping Jeremy from standing for election in his constituency or any other.
        If Jeremy stands then we’ll see whether the electorate of Islington North still want him on 04/07

      11. Dave – Not at all, I just thought it a bit desperate and pathetic.

      12. You seem to suffering from Alzheimer’s Billy – you having already noted reports that the subject of your obsession is going to stand in the relevant constituency.

        Are you feeling any better yet? Or are you going to obsess over something else?

    2. re: Starmer’s new boss…. yes, Klaus Schwab retires from WEF on 4th July, so Tony might be in-post by 10.00 pm when Sir Keir wins his hard-fought battle to be the next psychopath in Downing St

  3. Meanwhile, meet Jared Bernstein, who is literally the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, the main agency advising Biden on economic policy:

    This gibbering cretin represents the the cream of so called economic neo-liberal orthodox thinking and policy across every uni-party in the Collective West – including the UK Red Tory’s.

    And there are some numpties about who seriously ‘think’ this is the only ‘credible’ model for the entire planet.


    1. Good God. The total balloonhead can’t even decide whether he’s confused or not. Almost makes keef look competent (especially within legal matters).

      Just shows it’s not an exclusively British establishment disease.

      1. For the cognitively challenged on this site the fact that someone in this position – representative as they are of the neo liberal ‘economic orthodoxy which Billy no mates is claiming is the only “credible” way – cannot grasp the simple idea that instead of printing money and selling it as bonds (ie a loan which you have to pay back with interest) you simply cut out the parasitic part of the process by paying the money back to yourself who created it in the first place* sums up the idiocracy running the Collective West.

        And this is at the heart of why the elite and real authoritarian fascists running the Collective West are flushing us, its population, down the plug hole. They, and their cheerleaders like Billy, are totally clueless.

        Its going to be a picture to see their faces when the penny finally drops that their inability to deal with reality – preferring instead ideological purity which they project onto others – has been instrumental in confining them and their unworkable discredited ideas and policies to the oblivion they deserve.

        *Firstly you save on interest payments to an oligarch class which is bleeding your society dry which, as their counterparts in the Roman Imperium found out, leads to rapid collapse.

        Secondly, your society gets to decide that the sovereign money you create is spent for the benefit of the whole society rather than a few parasitic leeches who use the power given to them to buy politicians and keep the scam going.

        This is actually what is taking place in China – who, whilst real poverty increases in the West (despite the rantings of Paul Krugmen on the matter) the Chinese have lifted some three quarters of billion people out of poverty.

        Why cannot we do that in the West? Why is infrastructure collapsing through neglect? Homelssness and foodbanks increasing? Because we are saddled with clueless numpties like Jarad Bernstein and their acolytes who cannot deal with objective reality and who insist that their way is the only way and everyone on the planet who does not agree is a “Putin Puppet” or an “authoritarian”.

        Its like dealing with children who refuse point blank to grow up.

    1. steveh, do you create and use these mcuser content p[ages yourself, or does DerLabourFuture do it for you?

  4. Thanks, but no thanks. I’m quite happy to maintain my dual nationality and who do you think that you are to challenge my right to vote. Could you explain why you think this is in any way hypocritical? Do you actually know what the word means?

    Wanting it all ways to Sunday. Who the fuck are you to tell me what’s best for me – me who lives here – when you don’t?

    Come back and suffer the same fate you’re willing to put me under before you pontificate, twat.

    I hadn’t appreciated that you are a xenophobe

    Nothing remotely xenophobic about it, gobshite.

    You don’t reside here, you shouldn’t have a say on the running of this country. Do you have a say on the running of your neighbor’s household? The household in the next town over? The running of the next town as a whole?

    No. You don’t. Same applies to the nation where you DON’T live. I don’t get to vote for anywhere else except the place where I live. Nor should you. You chose to sod off. Won’t say why, or when, or where though.

    I’ll send you a link to the Labour Party’s Manifesto when it is published, you can then let us all know the policies that you don’t like and why.

    Knock yerself out. I won’t be reading it as I don’t trust a fucking thing keef smarmer promises as I know that by next week he’ll have denied it.

    Tell you what, when you can name a single pledge keef was elected on (by you) that he hasn’t broken, I promise I’ll read your manifesto. Until then, keep quiet.

    1. On which note the following metaphor in the form of a anecdote is apt:

      Apparently, while out campaigning a ‘Member of Parliament” is tragically hit by a truck and dies. His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

      ‘Welcome to heaven,’ says St. Peter. ‘Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we’re not sure what to do with you.’

      ‘No problem, just let me in,’ says Keir.

      ‘Well, I’d like to, but I have orders from higher up.. What we’ll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.’

      ‘Really, I’ve made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,’ says the current MP for holborn and St. Pancras.

      ‘I’m sorry, but we have our rules.’

      And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course.

      In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him. Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and champagne.

      Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly & nice guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes.

      They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go. Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises….

      The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him.

      ‘Now it’s time to visit heaven.’

      So, 24 hours pass with the Starmer joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.

      ‘Well, then, you’ve spent a day in hell and another in heaven…..Now choose your eternity.’

      Keir reflects for a minute, then he answers: ‘Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell.’

      So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell.

      Now the doors of the elevator open and he’s in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage.

      He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.

      The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder.
      ‘I don’t understand,’ stammers Starmer ‘Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time.

      Now there’s just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable.

      What happened?’

      The devil looks at him, smiles and says,

      ‘Yesterday we were campaigning……

      Today you voted.

      1. Oh dear, is a silly fairy tale all that you have left? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

      2. Ah! Diddums!

        Did the anecdote offend your delicate sensibilities Billy.

        What a sensitive little soul you are.

      3. Wee gobshote’s tone’s changed quote noticably since he read that Corbyn will most likely be standing.

        But is he bovvered??? 😏

        Nah, it’s all we’ve got left.

  5. Toffee – It’s not a secret, the information you want is on these pages. If you want it then go find it.

    As Dave says.


    I know you – at the very least – strongly suspect just why I’m after those details.

    Nothing to hide = nothing to fear. Even keef’ll tell you that (especially when he gets around to ID cards, but I’ll bet that wont be in his manifesto).

    You’ve obviously got something to hide.

    And we both know what it is 😙🎶.

    1. Toffee – I’ve nothing to be rattled about. On the contrary, I’m looking forward to a Labour government with a substantial majority. What do you have to look forward to?
      All I’ve seen to date from you is vague innuendo. If you’ve got something to say, then say it.

      1. You’ll get your answer when you’ve furnished me with the month and year you scurried off.

        And not before.

      2. Herr Flick
        The Fuhrers unequivocal support for the Genocide will land him in the Dock
        In the meantime let’s have a bet, will the Fuhrer get more votes than JC in 2019
        Methinks not

  6. I’ve NO time whatsoever for the pcs.

    Especially the jcp part of it; those all-too-willing ‘capos’ who, unquestioningly and rigourously, carry out the grotesquely unfair and vindictive policy of stopping people’s welfare lifeline for THE most spurious of reasons…and then complaining about the bribe they accept for doing so not being enough.

    They can kiss my arse.

    1. Toffee – Your link wasn’t published until late afternoon and it still isn’t very definitive is it.
      “Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is expected to stand as an independent candidate in Islington North in 4 July’s general election.”

      1. You are, as usual being selective again Billy.

        Quoting only from the first paragraph which, with its use of the words “expected to stand” suggests some doubt or ambiguity.

        This initial opening paragraph setting the scene for the unwary reader who may not read much beyond the opening paragraph is solidified from a possible to a definite further down the article which states:

        “His decision to run against Labour in the general election, presents a headache for leader Sir Keir Starmer”

        Not “would present a headache” – which would be consistent with the opening line of the article – but “presents a headache. Implying that the initial steer of the opening paragraph that it is only a possibility is somewhat misleading.

        This is the problem with hanging your hat on a media which – what was that word again? Ah yes! – “omits” pertinent facts. not only do they omit facts they mislead, and misrepresent. A practice in which you have something of a reputation Billy.

      1. Nowhere near as sad as excusing nonsenseism and child-harming ideological policy.

        Sad… Yes, indeed.

        Sad enough to be seeing out my days on a supposed Caribbean idyll, not watching the beach cricket from a hammock, complete with rum in hand…But persistently posting tedious, repetitive shite, day after day, after day, about how those you scuttled away from should be voting, when nobody – but NOBODY – has agreed with a single policy you have ever proffered or mitigated for through your dear leader.

        Yes, that’s how sad I am.

  7. Getting back on the topic of this particular skwawkbox article, Tribune has a relevant piece on the efforts of that well known sexual predator and former Labour favourite John Woodcock – now Tory Peer Lord Walney – and his recent misnamed report “Protecting our Democracy from Coercion.”

    “Woodcock has a limited understanding of democracy, one in which the people are reduced to the status of ‘voters’. He regards the law as being beyond question and is intolerant of resistance to it.

    Championing ‘the rule of law’, he writes ‘that if a movement advocates systematic law-breaking as the means for political change, then that organisation crosses a line for what is and is not acceptable.’ This disregards the fact that protests that involve lawbreaking and civil disobedience have a historical legacy of democratisation that extends from the suffragettes to the US civil rights movement — and are recognised as democratic practices by liberal democratic theorists such as John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas.

    Woodcock, in contrast, insists that all this is obsolete because ‘the UK’s liberal democracy’ guarantees citizens’ right to vote.

    This reduces the people to an audience allowed to express their consent or disapproval every few years on the invitation of the government. It also disguises the reality of a corporate lobby drowning out electoral voice.

    The ‘independent advisor’ Woodcock is himself a case in point: it is difficult to believe that his activity as a paid lobbyist for arms manufacturers and fossil fuel companies did not affect his report’s recommendations to constrain climate and pro-Palestine activist groups in particular. Making acts of popular protest more and more difficult ultimately also makes it easier for corporate power to shape government policy in its interest.”


    Given the authoritarian tendencies and record of Herr Starmer and his little Junta and with Woodcock being part of the revolving door that is the uniparty it is difficult to imagine his report not being favourably adopted by whichever of Tweedledum or Tweedledumber has a turn this time around.

  8. What did keef have to say about woodcock squirming his way out of that sexual harassment inquiry?

    Don’t remember reading owt abar it. Hardly surprising.

    And the curtailing of civil liberties is a cause keef holds sacred (human rights lawyer, MY arse AND yours).

    As I mentioned in an earlier post, there won’t be anything about ID cards in his precious manifesto, but be in NO doubt keef’ll put it out there…Or try to shithouse it through the backdoor, just like the rags did with the topic of this thread.

    Legal genius that he is.

    1. Going on past precedent from the resident self-selecting ‘expert’ it may have had something to do with timelines?

      Or was it that the Kid Starver was out to lunch on that day? That or taking a sickie?

      No. Hang on. I’ve remembered.

      It was all someone else’s fault.

      Probably ‘The Putin”. “Corbyn” The “Chinese” The “Iranians”, or all of them at once? Either that or some other target of the obsession yet to manifest itself.

  9. The Rest of the World will intervene shortly and impose a two state solution in return for guaranteeing Israel’s security
    And there’s SFA the Yanks and the Lobby will be able to do to stop them

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