
Video: Braverman gets stony silent treatment from Gaza student protesters

GB News stunt backfires as students give dignified show of utter contempt for far right ‘friend of genocide’

A stunt by far-right former Home Secretary Suella Braverman backfired on hard right TV station GB News on Friday, when her attempt to goad students, who were camping on their university grounds in protest against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, into saying something she and the broadcaster could use.

The tweet of the video by anti-racist activist Bushra Shaikh has had over 10,000 shares, 40,000 ‘likes’ and 2.7 million views at the time of writing.

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  1. Delightful.

    I’d have had to have been bound & gagged (and locked away in a 5km exclusion zone) myself, but the discipline shown there was first class.

    The gammons must be seething. Superb! 👌

    1. “The gammons must be seething. Superb! ”

      Where ever they happen to be in the world.

  2. Excellent discipline in the ranks there! 100% shtum, like they knew Suella/GB News were coming. What a pair of dicks. Like that attempted Zionist provocation by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism at the London demo the other week, a total failure. 😀

    1. In the military this is known as silent insubordination.

      On the present trajectory it can only be a matter of time before this kind of silence is classified by the psychotic keepers of The Sacred Official Narrative and their cheerleaders as a form of terrorism.

      1. COWPATT (Campaign Of Wilful Passive/Aggressive Tacit Terrorism), anyone?

  3. In fact, I’d have spoken to braverman if only to say I’m rating her ever so slightly higher than weasely screeching, seeing as braverman has called for an end to the two-child benefit cap and the screeching creature has gone to the papers (s*n?) to put up his hypocritical, shithouse, typical toerag style (I was a product of the welfare state from the humblest of backgrounds) case for keeping it.

    …But I’d still tell braverman they’re both worthless pieces of shoite.

    1. She only got to her position because of her looks. Yeah I know, I’m guilty as charged.

  4. The silent response was in effect saying “Fuck off Braverman you facist piece of hate-mongering genocide-supporting shit”.

    1. Or perhaps I should say ‘the peaceful response was in effect saying…..’

  5. Braverman: …these are supposed to be some of the brightest and best students in the land…

    And that’s precisely why they didn’t engage with you. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence, or just plain common sense, can see what you’re up to. You know perfectly well what they’re protesting about. If you didn’t know by now then you must be a complete moron. Oh…

    1. Tbh the door stepping of protestors by politicians or vice versa is a tedious stunt that is so open to exploitation that it should just be abandoned.

      1. This stunt has other forms to that of the Braverman example depending on the objective.

        Here’s former CIA analyst Larry Johnson letting rip at the hypocrisy and double standards inherent in such stunts by Western politicians – supported as they are by their Lord Haw Haw cheerleaders across social media:

        “This is just one more example of the stinking hypocrisy…: the frantic Western effort to launch a color revolution in Georgia, because that country’s legislature has the audacity to believe that domestic political groups should report if they are receiving at least 20% of their funding from foreigners….

        …We have seen the Foreign Ministers of Lithuania, Estonia and Iceland show up in Tbilisi and join the protests, by giving speeches to seething crowds, denouncing the actions of the Georgian legislature.

        Can you imagine the freakout in Washington if Russia’s Lavrov, China’s Wang Yi, and Hungary’s Szijjártó showed up at a Trump rally to denounce Biden’s policy in Ukraine? Exactly. The United States would not tolerate that shit for one minute. Talk about double standard.

        Then you have the Georgian President, who was born in France and is a French citizen. Salome Zourabichvili, if she had the same pedigree (i.e., born in France but granted U.S. citizenship) in the United States, she would be banned by the Constitution from serving as President. Yet, here she is, shamelessly promoting foreign interests over those of the people she was elected to serve. And the majority of the European governments, as well as the Biden Administration, are vowing to impose sanctions if the legislature dares to override Zourabichvili’s veto.”


        The only salient fact Johnson neglects to mention here in terms of the hypocrisy on show is that the Georgian Foreign Agent Law is being falsely misrepresented as a “Russian” law when it is fact based on the very same principles as the US Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), enacted in 1938.

        This imposes public disclosure obligations on persons representing foreign interests. It requires “foreign agents”—defined as individuals or entities engaged in domestic lobbying or advocacy for foreign governments, organizations, or persons (“foreign principals”)—to register with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and disclose their relationship, activities, and related financial compensation.

        What is extraordinary here is that normally, agitated crowds should be demanding increased transparency in public affairs and access to all the facts they need to efficaciously exercise their civic duties. In Georgia, they want the opposite. The agitated crowd’s vociferous demand is for the facts to be withheld from them.

        A testament to the power of the propaganda of the Western elites political and media classes and their quisling comprador stooges in NGO’s who are really working for foreign interests against their own society.

        As you imply, Tim, our particular Augean stable is well overdue a clear out.

  6. Even the Swan was bored. Nice Swan though, lunch I suppose, sorry she can’t guzzle it. It belongs to our king Charles.

  7. Meanwhile, at US campuses….

    ….academics are being culled from employment for what is effectively the crime of heresy – articulating support for Palestine. Support of which is equated to being anti Israeli and, by the definition of The Official Narrative, anti-Semitism:

    “Since the beginning of Israel’s war on Gaza, academics in fields including politics, sociology, Japanese literature, public health, Latin American and Caribbean studies, Middle East and African studies, mathematics, education, and more have been fired, suspended, or removed from the classroom for pro-Palestine, anti-Israel speech….

    ….“This is beyond the new McCarthyism. This has to deal fundamentally with Islamophobia, anti-Muslim racism, anti-Arab racism, anti-Palestinian racism,” said Mohamed Abdou, who is a visiting professor in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African studies at Columbia University — that is, until this semester ends.

    Columbia President Minouche Shafik announced that the university was cutting ties with Abdou during a congressional hearing last month about antisemitism on campus. Abdou was one of five professors named by the school administrator but the only one without the relative protection of tenure. His one-year contract ends this month.

    “What she effectively did was blacklist me globally,” Abdou told me of Shafik’s testimony.

    Abdou said he was smeared for words in a Facebook post on October 11 that were taken dramatically out of context. The activist-scholar was framed in Congress and in the right-wing media as an antisemite and Hamas supporter. His lengthy post asks readers to think about a future for Palestine, and support for resistance, beyond the binary of a secularized, Eurocentric state formation, or “Hamas and Islamic Jihad’s neoconservative idea of Sharia.””


    What is increasingly clear from real life example after example over recent years is that going against The Official Narrative – with its double standard exceptionalism – will cost you your job, your livelihood, your ability to earn a living, your bank account, and your right to exist.

    Your character will be smeared by politicians; you will be targeted by the security and/or what passes for ‘law enforcement’ agencies; your reputation will be shredded by a corrupt and compliant media in an orgy of misrepresentation, lies, and character assassination and worse.

    All designed deliberately to get you to self-censor.

    Ask Julian Assange and Wikileaks; ask the remaining families of the many journalist’s murdered for trying to speak the truth about the official crimes of psychopaths; ask the Canadian truckers; ask Labour Party members and former representatives smeared and vilified as “anti-Semites by their own Party in collusion with the establishment’s media; ask all those from Maya Forstater to Kathleen Stock similarly smeared as “bigots” in the manufactured hierarchy of oppression which puts selected groups on a higher and exceptionalist plane than everyone else; ask Robert Fico.

    And ask all those millions of people across the globe – from Venezuela to the Middle East and beyond – who have been sanctioned and/or had their gold and other assets stolen which has undermined their economy, or been militarily attacked for not crying ‘uncle’; or subjected to colour revolution regime change via bought and paid for NGO’s and comprador fifth and sixth columnist’s.

    What these students have in common with all of the above is they are part of an existential struggle against a psychotic minority which can only be successful by the permanent removal of the cancer which is that minority.

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