
Postal workers’ union slams leaked plan to cut deliveries to alternate days

Cut to ‘universal service obligation’ exposed in leaked Ofcom report – plan made with no input from postal workers

Image: S Walker

Slamming a leaked Ofcom report on the future of Royal Mail’s ‘Universal Service Obligation’ (USO), compiled without any input from postal workers, to deliver letters on weekdays to all UK addresses, a Communication Workers Union (CWU) spokesperson said:

The early leaking of the details of the OFCOM report on the future of the Universal Service Obligation (USO) to the media sums up the lack of professionalism, integrity and credibility they have as a regulator.

This report, like their previous investigation on quality of service, has been produced without the input of a single postal worker or the CWU.

OFCOM have abandoned their responsibilities on quality of service and are now attempting to do the same on the USO.

Debating the future of the postal service in the absence of those who work for it and deliver it every day is completely inappropriate and should tell everybody what OFCOM’s real priorities and motives are.

It is therefore no surprise to see OFCOM potentially recommending letter deliveries every other day which is a serious down-dialling of the USO to a level which would threaten tens of thousands of jobs.

This is the regulator openly pursuing the failed agenda of the former Royal Mail Group senior leadership – all of whom have now left the company.

The CWU and our members are not blind to the need for change. But we want change based on the needs of customers, the security of our members’ jobs and driven by an ambitious growth strategy that sees the infrastructure, fleet and presence in every community as Royal Mail’s key assets.

The CWU will work with economists to produce an alternative and independent view on the future of postal services in the UK and embark on a major engagement exercise with our members, businesses and the public.

This is a huge test of the new leadership of Royal Mail.

There has been some positive recent signs but they must now decide whether to back a completely failed vision which will destroy the company or change direction and join the CWU in expanding the role of postal workers and in turn expanding services, job security and profit.”

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