Analysis Breaking

Labour group leaders call on Starmer to resign over betrayal of Gaza

Step down and let someone who ‘has compassion and speaks out against injustice and indiscriminate killing of innocent human beings’ lead party, Starmer told

The leaders of the Labour groups on Pendle and Burnley councils have issued a public statement calling on Keir Starmer to resign over his appalling betrayal of the people of Gaza and his collusion with the Israeli genocide against them.

The call on behalf of Labour councillors in their respective areas follows hundreds of Labour councillors and MPs calling on the leader to put pressure on the government to call for a ceasefire to prevent any further loss of innocent lives in Gaza.

Cllr Afrasiab Anwar said:

I and colleagues across Burnley over the last few weeks have seen the sad loss of people including young children in Palestine and Israel and this has to stop immediately. I joined the Labour Party because of the values of standing up and speaking out against injustices across the world. Sadly Keir Starmer has not stood up for labour values hence why we are calling upon him to step down. Blindly following the position of Rishi Sunak is not acceptable to us and our residents who we represent.

Cllr Asjad Mahmood added:

I and my fellow labour colleagues have seen the distressing loss of lives on both sides of this conflict and have been putting pressure on the party leader to lead calls for a ceasefire to stop the innocent loss of lives. Unfortunately, he has failed to listen and we ask he consider his position and resign to allow someone to lead our party who has compassion and speaks out against injustice and indiscriminate killing of innocent human beings.

The damning statements look set to be a pivotal moment in the widespread outrage inside and outside the party at Starmer’s declaration that Israel has a ‘right’ to block food, water and medicines from reaching Gaza and his refusal to either condemn Israel’s other actions illegal under international law or to call for a ceasefire.

Starmer was never fit to lead an opposition and neither is any of his faction. But that realisation is spreading rapidly through those who until now remained in the Labour party, as a result of his hideous stance over the slaughter of innocent children, women and elderly civilians in Gaza.

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