Analysis Breaking

Israel invades Gaza, ‘pounding it to rubble’

Right-wing regime compounds its crimes against Palestinian civilians after shutting down communications inside Gaza to mask its actions

Israel has launched a mass night attack on Gaza – to all appearances a full-scale invasion of the beleaguered strip that has suffered weeks of brutal and indiscriminate bombing – after cutting off all communications in and out of the tiny, packed Palestinian territory, as emerging video shows. The ‘unique opportunity’ for ethnic cleansing identified by Netanyahu-linked think-tanks is being seized.

Gaza, already pounded into rubble, is being pulverised along with its innocents:

As senior Mintpress writer put it, the guilt for this outcome rests on the head of every politician – and that means you, Sunak, Starmer, Lammy, Thornberry and all the rest – who has enabled the racist Israeli war and propaganda machine:

The IDF is bombing on or close to at least one more Gazan hospital:

Israel is calling this an ‘expanded raid’ – but in reality a whole ‘front’ has opened up and if it walks like a duck:

The horrific, war-crime-saturated slaughter in Gaza so far has been but a prelude to Israel’s attempt to drive out the Gazan Palestinians from what the right-wing extremists in the Israeli government think is ‘their’ God-given land.

Shame on all who support it and the racist bigots who are driving it.

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