Starmer’s approval rating lowest for 481 days after further catastrophic falls

Voters continue to see through Keir Starmer, leading to catastrophic falls in his approval rating – especially among usual Labour voters – according to new polling.

Dissatisfaction with Starmer among voters generally grew by five points, according to the IPSOS poll – while dissastisfaction with the awful Rishi Sunak fell by the same amount – but among Labour voters, dissatisfaction grew by a huge sixteen points, while dissatisfaction with Sunak fell by eleven.

Leading trade union figure Howard Beckett pointed out that these ratings represented Starmer’s worst performance since December 2021 – a massive 481 days ago, before the Johnson scandal and others finally shredded the Tories’ ratings:

Labour retains an overall polling lead, but it is falling fast – down by more than half just since October – but as Skwawkbox has pointed out, Keir Starmer and his faction are (rightly) toxic with the public. The more they see of them and particularly him, the less they like and no wonder.

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