Breaking: McDonald resigns after Starmer ordered him to argue AGAINST £15/hr min wage

Middlesbrough MP Andy McDonald has resigned from the shadow Cabinet with a withering letter to Keir Starmer telling the Labour ‘leader’ that the final straw was Starmer ordering him to argue against a national minimum wage of £15 per hour and statutory sick pay at minimum wage level.

McDonald recently rebelled against Starmer over NHS pay and Starmer’s latest betrayal of low-paid workers was just too much for the principled northerner, who immediately resigned from his position as Shadow Secretary of State for Employment Rights and Protections:

But McDonald didn’t stop there, taking Starmer to task for his war on the left and his full set of broken campaign promises in just eighteen months of his tenure.

Starmer is now left to search for an MP who believes his feeble £10 an hour – a pay cut by the time it could ever come into force – is adequate.

Tragically for this country, he will find no shortage among the unworthy ragtag on the Labour right – but voters in the so-called heartlands will be watching to see who puts a pay bump and a bigger office above their interests.

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