Leaked ‘confidential’ document confirms Starmer plan to rob members of a say in leadership elections

Starmer promised ‘more democracy’ during leadership campaign. Another lie bites the dust

A leaked ‘confidential’ document has confirmed Keir Starmer’s plan to rob Labour members of a meaningful say in future leadership elections, completing the hollowing out of Labour from a recently-great party to a lifeless husk devoted to promoting the careers of Blairites.

The document outlines the rule-change that will give a handful of entitled MPs as much voting power as the party’s whole membership – and for that matter as much as all the unions combined – when choosing new leaders, creating a self-perpetuating system of protected privilege with no chance of the members (or the public, who love left policies) ever interfering in their cosy club again:

Skwawkbox warned in January last year that this was coming and frequently since that plans were underway, but typically for the Labour right they’re trying to spring this at the last minute before conference, to allow minimal time for resistance to be organised. Of course, the so-called ‘mainstream’ media will either ignore this all-out war on democracy entirely, or else present it as some kind of victory for democracy. Orwell eat your heart out.

Laughably, the Labour right tries to disguise their intent by pinning it on renowned left-winger Tony Benn, who will surely be turning in his grave as you read this.

Still, the way Starmer is killing the party, it will be a race to see whether Labour’s MPs or members can reach the lowest number. So all good then, except for some pissed off union members. The Blairites aren’t confident they can force this through conference though, so they are already briefing friendly journalists that even a near loss will be a win.

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