Analysis Breaking

Breaking: left takes control of Unison executive – and the ramifications in Labour are immediate

Left slate and left independents now hold clear majority on union’s executive committee as members vote for clear left leadership – and right-wing ‘disputes’ chair installed in Labour NEC ‘coup’ loses seat

The left has landed a major blow in the national executive elections of Unison, the UK’s largest union. Skwawkbox understands that the ‘Time for real change’ left slate and independent left candidates now hold 42 of 68 seats on the executive. The union’s general secretary is right-winger Christine McAnea, who was backed by Labour right pressure groups such as Labour First.

The ‘real change’ campaign is expected to issue a statement this evening. However, a Unison insider told Skwawkbox that the result is an ‘earthquake’, with immediate ramifications in the Labour party too:

This is an earthquake in the union which will have big implications in the Labour party. [NEC chair] Wendy Nichols has been booted off in Yorkshire and we will take all the NEC seats on the Labour Link Committee as well, so so that’ll be her off the Labour NEC.

Ms Nichols had been installed as the chair of the Labour NEC’s important ‘organisational’ committee earlier this year as part of what left NEC members considered a ‘coup’, replacing Andi Kerr.

Congratulations to all the left candidates and to Unison members, who have demonstrated their appetite for clear left leadership.

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