Tories’ plan to take over Liverpool is a crime against democracy – and Starmer’s apparent support for it unforgivable

IF there has been corruption, remove and punish the corrupt, not the city – but police have dropped bail conditions against former mayor. And if there HAS been corruption, the perpetrators are from the same wing of the party as Starmer

Dark day in a proud red city violated and betrayed

Keir Starmer has reached a new low the already Marianas Trench-like trajectory of his leadership of the Labour party today, briefing the media that if the Tory government decides to take over the running of Liverpool, England’s politically reddest city, he will support them. The Tories, not Liverpool.

IF there has been corruption on the city council, the solution is to remove and punish the corrupt, not to punish a whole city and make its democracy nothing more than a sham. But there is doubt whether claims of corruption will ever stick, with news today that the police have dropped their bail conditions against former mayor Joe Anderson.

And if there has been corruption, then it is among the Labour council’s dominant right-wing faction – so Starmer has no place pointing fingers, let alone offering to hold the Tories’ coat while the violate a city that has long been abused by the Tories who hate it for standing up to them.

Starmer’s low and craven betrayal got the response it deserves among genuine figures of the Labour movement:

And Starmer received a political warning he would do well to heed:

If this unfounded coup proceeds and Starmer abets Johnson, there will be mass resignations from the party in what has been Labour’s strongest English city. Liverpool will go the way of Scotland for Labour – and the consequences for the party in the rest of England will be felt for years.

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