Liverpool Labour mayoral candidate sends out texts calling all members by surname – and emails with ‘insert name here’

Anthony Lavelle wants to run a great city – but can’t run a message campaign

Anthony Lavelle, one of the two candidates who put themselves forward and were shortlisted to replace the three women barred without explanation by Labour from standing for selection as the party’s Liverpool mayoral candidate, hasn’t had the most sparkling start to his campaign to persuade Labour members in the city to choose him.

Lavelle started by sending out a barrage of texts to members around the city – in which he called them all by their surname, to widespread bemusement and derision:

But Lavelle went one – or several steps – better when he then emailed members in at least one ‘CLP’ with a message which said ‘insert name here’ and left out vital information such as the dates on which he was hoping they’d phonebank for him and even the name of the local constituency he was meant to be referring to:

Right-wing Cllr Lavelle hopes to persuade members he’s capable of leading a great city with a Tory-inflicted financial crisis, but it seems he has struggled to operate a contact system.

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