Support the Student Strike

Ask your MP to sign the Early Day Motion against punitive rents and tuition fees during lockdown

Students are facing huge rent costs for accommodation they can’t use during lockdown and don’t need because courses have been moved online, with no reduction in tuition fees.

Please copy the blue text below, then enter your postcode in the form below and click through to send the letter to your MP. Don’t forget to edit the names, date and address!

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As my Member of Parliament I am writing to ask you to support EDM 1321.

According to the University College Union, there have been over 52,000 positive cases of Covid-19 in the UK higher and further education institutions. Therefore, I support the Government’s shift to online learning unless face-to-face teaching is absolutely essential.

The National Union of Students found that 20% of students will not be able to pay their rents and essential bills this term with a further 3 in 4 students anxious about paying their rents.

It seems unreasonable to expect students to pay the same rent rates during the lockdown. Why are we punishing young people for seeking an education? The UCU warned against students returning to universities as far back as August 2020.

Students in our constituency and across the UK, are experiencing a hard hit to their mental health and are also incurring an average of £57,000 worth of debt. Our universities should not function as profit-seeking businesses!

EDM 1321 makes three main conclusions:

– Refund rents
– Scrap tuition fees
– Cancel student debt for good

I urge you to make clear your support to students by signing EDM 1321 and speaking up about these issues in parliament.

Like many in your constituency, I hope we can rely on your support.

Warmest wishes,

Thank you!

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