Video: “How dare Johnson blame the public?” Lavery shows Starmer what opposition looks like

Ex-miner and former party chair gives a demonstration of what it looks like when a Labour MP calls the Tories to account for their behaviour

Former Labour Party chair Ian Lavery is well known for his direct style and his willingness to call things as they are.

Auring an appearance on the BBC’s northern regional politics programme, the ex-miner, who was once told by a fellow MP that in the old days he’d have ‘nutted’ a vile and foolhardy right-winger, gave party leader Keir Starmer a lesson in how to call out Boris Johnson’s nonsense in a way that means something:

Johnson’s scandalous attempts to blame the public for a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic that traces directly back to Johnson’s actions, policies and delays – yet many of the public are barely aware of his guilt because of Starmer’s lack of opposition and terror of offending the right.

So this, Sir Keir, is how it’s done. Mealy-mouthed and evasive just doesn’t resonate with people, especially working-class people – but authenticity and directness do and they make sure that Johnson’s and his cronies’ nonsense can’t quite so easily be covered up by the complicit ‘mainstream’ media.

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