Excl: pro-Lansman Momentum slate “Momentum Renewal” set to launch – with Lansman stepping aside in return for spot on NEC slate

Jon Lansman and his allies in London are believed to have put together a slate of candidates for the imminent elections to Momentum’s national coordinating group (NCG) elections. The slate will be launched under the title of ‘Momentum Renewal’.

A series of closed meetings has taken place over the last couple of weeks to decide the slate and the SKWAWKBOX understands that a deal has been struck in which Lansman himself will not stand on the slate. This is to allow it to present itself as a ‘new start’ for Momentum and to distance itself from Lansman’s tenure as Chair, which has become increasingly unpopular on the left. However, it appears that he and his supporters are the main driving force behind the move.

Quid pro quo

The SKWAWKBOX also understands that Lansman has agreed to step aside from the slate and give up his position in Momentum in return for a guaranteed position on the left slate for the upcoming Labour NEC elections – a move which has caused anger among some on the left who blame him for the divided slate in the spring’s NEC elections.

Lansman and his supporters are also said to be rushing to secure high profile support from MPs, as they are worried about the initial success of the ‘Forward Momentum’ campaign, backed by a number of left figures and groups including John McDonnell and the Fire Brigades Union, and about its growing support among the grassroots.

Jon Lansman has previously told the SKWAWKBOX that he does not wish to be contacted for comment. The code of standards of regulator IMPRESS says that publications must:

Comply immediately with any reasonable request to desist from contacting, following or photographing a person.

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