Labour First moans because right-wingers falling foul of voting rules Labour right brought in

Artist’s impression of a Labour First spokesperson yesterday

Right-wing pressure group Labour first is up in arms because their ‘entryist’ voters are falling foul of due process checks on their eligibility to vote.

Labour First bleated in an email to its supporters yesterday that some of the people it signed up to vote in the Labour leadership election have not yet received ballots or have been disqualified on ‘spurious’ grounds, such as their name not being on the electoral register.

Of course, the email didn’t mention the fact that the checks of which their supporters are falling foul were put in place by Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) when it was dominated by Labour First and its allies.

Which means that the real scandal was the suspension of tens of thousands of Labour members during the 2016 leadership contest on genuinely spurious grounds – which some of Labour First’s supporters boasted about facilitating – and the approximately 100,000 members denied a vote in spite of legal action.

But of course, the omission of such details and a bit of shameless hypocrisy are hardly a new feature of the Labour right, as their response to the suspension of Trevor Phillips over islamophobia complaints has recently demonstrated.

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