Video: over 2,000 geordies give rousing ovation to Corbyn in Newcastle upon Tyne

Labour leader receives huge welcome from packed hall

Jeremy Corbyn remains in general election mode, maintaining a tough schedule of appearances around the country on top of his parliamentary duties.

And wherever he goes, when he meets the people, the people respond.

As Corbyn appeared tonight in Newcastle upon Tyne, the geordies gave Corbyn a reception that suggests that media spin and polling of his supposed unpopularity – just like during the 2017 general election campaign – sit somewhere between invention and Establishment wishful thinking:

Around two thousand people packed into the venue, with a similar number outside but unable to get in.

The more Corbyn goes out to the people directly and bypasses media filters, the better it gets – and when general election media rules kick in, it will only improve.

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