As ‘centrists’ claim Corbyn’s team is hiding him, he’s preparing for Manchester anti-Johnson rally tomorrow

Centrist politicians and journalists – and occasional ‘blue-tick leftie’ – claiming Corbyn not seen enough. Meanwhile, Labour leader prepares for large public rally
Jeremy Corbyn speaks to thousands in Liverpool

Establishment ‘journalists’ and centrist politicians – along with the occasional rattled ‘blue-tick’ left-wing commentator – have decided to greet the accession of a new hard-right Prime Minister by attacking Jeremy Corbyn.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

This distasteful alliance has claimed that Jeremy Corbyn is essentially ‘AWOL’ (absent without leave) – not showing a high enough profile. The blame is usually put on his closest advisers, who are supposedly hiding him.

But there’s another very familiar aspect to this latest attack – utter inaccuracy and incompetence.

While moaners moan, or turn their fire on the opposition instead of the culprits in government (told you it was a familiar look), Jeremy Corbyn has been preparing for a major public rally in Manchester tomorrow, to galvanise support for Labour and resistance to Boris Johnson and his Cabinet of sociopaths:

Corbyn didn’t leave it until Friday, though. He was out making a strong speech at a rally outside Parliament to demand a general election, as actor and leftie Rob Delaney tweeted:

The Manchester rally is expected to be the first of many as Corbyn continues his usual relentless schedule and general-election footing. The event will take place tomorrow evening from 5pm to 6pm. For security purposes, the precise location will be confirmed to those who register to attend.

If you wish to be there, click here to register your interest. Whether you can get there yourself or not, share this to raise awareness – and to counter the Establishment fake news.

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