Yvette Cooper blamed for council losses: “wouldn’t know what democracy was if it scratched her eyeballs”

Local councillor links lost seats to Cooper’s anti-Brexit activities
Yvette Cooper (image: BBC)

Centrist former Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has been blamed for losses in her home area during last week’s local elections.

Cllr Steve Tulley – a hero of the miners’ strike – hit out at Ms Cooper’s actions after retaining the seat he has held since 2011 but watching a number of his Labour colleagues lose theirs.

Mr Tulley attributed the losses to Ms Cooper’s :

There have been some wonderful candidates who’ve lost tonight and it’s all because of the MP for Pontefract, Normanton and Castleford, who wouldn’t know what democracy was if it scratched her in the eyeballs.

It’s time them down in Westminster started to take a bit of notice to what people have said. It’s their antics that have cost us tonight.

Tulley blamed Ms Cooper’s anti-Brexit position on the difficulties Labour faced in an area that voted strongly in favour of leaving the EU in the 2016.

The SKWAWKBOX contacted Yvette Cooper for comment but she had not responded by the time of publication.


A working-class hero sent a message to Westminster. ‘Westminster’ won’t listen, but Labour must.

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