Video: Barnier destroys claim Corbyn can’t renegotiate Brexit – “EU immediately ready”

Michel Barnier talking to the European Parliament on Wednesday

All too typically, the Establishment media including the BBC reacted to Theresa May’s narrow escape – thanks only to a ‘bung’-driven DUP – from a vote of no confidence in the government on Wednesday evening by focusing on Labour and giving extensive coverage and credence to the unattainable so-called “people’s vote”.

One of the recurring themes in that coverage was the idea that ‘Corbyn can’t negotiate a better Brexit’, with this being used to support the call for another referendum.

But Newsnight – one of the worst culprits in the imbalanced coverage after the no-confidence vote – also ran video that made a mockery of the ‘can’t renegotiate’ claims, although without drawing attention to its significance:

Barnier made it perfectly clear that if the UK were to approach the EU without May’s red lines and with a plan that showed some ambition for more than a mere trade deal – as Labour’s plan does and Theresa May cannot – the EU would, essentially, jump at the chance.

SKWAWKBOX comment:

The fundamental dishonesty of the ‘MSM’ treatment of the Brexit issue couldn’t have been much more clearly on show on Wednesday.

The catastrophic Theresa May’s complete loss of credibility was minimised, while Labour’s supposed issues were magnified – and a “people’s vote” for which there is no time before Brexit was treated as a huge and looming reality, while the ability of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour to negotiate a better Brexit deal was dismissed.

In spite of the clear and unequivocal evidence on show in Barnier’s emphatic comments.

Theresa May has clung to office by ignoring every ethic and convention that would have seen any other Prime Minister resign instantly – not just now but many times through her tenure. But the media has often shored up May and her government by forsaking even a semblance of impartiality and integrity.

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