Verhofstadt dashes hopes of 2nd-referendum campaign

As Parliament dispersed last night, after the most crushing government defeat in history and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s calling of today’s no-confidence vote, all too predictably Labour centrists and their supporters gathered in Parliament Square to shout for a new referendum, rather than lobbying MPs for votes to bring down the Tories.

But this morning EU official Guy Verhofstadt – the European Parliament’s ‘Brexit Coordinator’ – removed any prospect of a new referendum overturning Brexit and keeping the UK inside the EU:

The European elections take place 23 May. The earliest a new referendum could happen is mid-June and realistically later still.

SKWAWKBOX comment:

The campaign for a so-called “people’s vote” has long been out of time, but Verhofstadt has removed all debating room – and in the most disparaging terms. The UK will leave the EU and the choice facing the nation is whether it will be a toxic Tory environment that we’re living in after it – or a Labour one with human rights, environmental protections and prosperity for all at its heart.

If Labour ‘PV’-campaigners do not now turn their attention to bringing down the government and winning a general election, it will be a frank admission that their agenda was always something else.

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