Margaret Hodge denies expressing regret. Formby: Chief Whip says twice that she did

Margaret Hodge (image: Wikimedia Commons)

Labour MP Margaret Hodge has tweeted a letter from her lawyers to the Labour Party which denies that she expressed any regret for her behaviour toward Jeremy Corbyn.

A letter sent by Labour general secretary Jennie Formby flatly contradicts Ms Hodge’s claim – and also states that Hodge received a formal warning from Chief Whip Nick Brown

Formby’s letter to Hodge states that Brown said Hodge expressed regret and her email to the NEC states that he confirmed it when she checked – in other words, he said so twice.

Formby’s letter to Hodge also refers to a formal warning issued by Labour’s Chief Whip – something that Ms Hodge seems not to have mentioned in her public statements – and that the case was closes on the basis of both that and her expression of regret.

The SKWAWKBOX contacted Margaret Hodge and asked:

  1. Are you asserting that Nick Brown or Jennie Formby lied about the expression of regret?
  2. Why don’t your public statements on the matter mention the formal warning? Are you disputing that it was issued?

No response had been received by the time of publication.

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