Momentum: “Momentum logo at LAW protest without our ok”

The Labour Against the Witchhunt (LAW) campaign group has been protesting today outside Labour’s ‘Southside’ HQ, where Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) has been meeting. The protesters been calling for a clear-out of Labour HQ staff whom they blame for what they believe are a series of politically-motivated suspensions and expulsions of Labour members.

The protesters have been condemned by some members and observers, who say believe that the group is intimidating Labour staff.

The protest has featured a red banner carrying the logo of Momentum Brighton and Hove – where several of senior LAW figures are based – alongside LAW’s own livery:

This has been the subject of hot dispute today among Momentum B&H members, many of whom were unhappy about their group’s banner appearing at the protest and believe it hands a propaganda opportunity to the mainstream media and other opponents of Momentum.

The SKWAWKBOX contacted Momentum’s national HQ to ask whether the group had Momentum’s permission to use a banner bearing its logo. The answer was brief and emphatic:

No they do not.

LAW has stated that it did not ‘use’ the banner, which they say was brought to the protest by Momentum B&H members. Other Momentum B&H members have said that the group did not agree to the banner’s use at the protest, but this is disputed by some locals.

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