Tory ‘Labour talked to Brussels’ smear isn’t news – but it is a huge own-goal

Tory site Guido Fawkes has just had a huge open-mouth-insert-foot moment with an ‘exclusive’ about an unpublished Labour press release about discussions between the Labour Party and the EU – or ‘Brussels’, since this apparently sounds more damning – on Brexit policy:

This major own goal isn’t news, let alone really ‘exclusive’. It’s a matter of public record that Labour were in Brussels last week and discussing ‘Brexit policy’, as this tweet by the LSE’s Asa Cusack demonstrates:

Labour discuss Brexit policy with the EU routinely – they’re doing it this week, too:

It’s not like they’ve exactly tried to sneak in ‘under the radar’, either – the Foreign Office tweeted about the reception it had organised to welcome them:

It’s also not news that Labour are planning to negotiate a new customs union with the EU. Jeremy Corbyn announced it last week – and it wasn’t even news then. In spite of the ‘MSM’ trying to spin it as a change of policy, Labour has been planning a (not ‘the’) customs union since the referendum result.

Even more embarrassing than an ‘exclusive’ about things on the public record, though, is how badly out of touch it shows right-wingers to be.

The ‘exclusive’ was clearly published on the assumption that showing Labour to be talking to ‘Brussels’ is somehow a damaging to the party.

But what it actually demonstrates is how seriously Labour are taken internationally and the fact that while the Tories can’t negotiate worth a damn from a position of power, Labour can do more in a couple of chats from opposition than May, Davies and the rest of the Tory excuse for a team has managed in the twenty months since the referendum result.

As the announcement at the same time by the EU that it is suspending Brexit talks with the government, because of the Tories’ uselessness over the Irish border issue, only serves to doubly underline.

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