Breaking: Lansman declares for GenSec – but the message is confusing

Momentum founder Jon Lansman has tweeted to confirm his intention to apply for the position of Labour Party General Secretary:

The message is not straightforward. Lansman encourages any members to apply and especially female members – but does not say whether he will stand aside if a female member does apply, or elaborate why he is standing against a widely-supported female applicant when “we should have more women in Labour’s top team“.

The expressed wish to see the General Secretary position elected by Labour members will also raise eyebrows among Labour – and Momentum – members who have expressed concerns about Momentum’s processes for selecting its ‘slate’ for key Labour Party elections. That process cannot be described as democratic and its opacity has been criticised, with many Momentum members calling for democratic selections as a matter of urgency.

Lansman’s interpretation of the vacancy as an ‘opportunity to trust, empower and listen to our members and trade union affiliates’ could also be interpreted as being at odds with the fact that the party leader twice elected by those members and affiliates views the General Secretary position as a key administrative role whose job is to enact and facilitate the leadership and the democratic wishes of party members. Corbyn is therefore against the idea of electing it.

The Skwawkbox has put questions about these points to Mr Lansman and is awaiting his response.

The Skwawkbox understands that Jon Lansman has spent the last twenty-four hours or so trying to persuade a female former employee of Jeremy Corbyn to stand. His announcement today may be a signal that he was unsuccessful.

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