Excl: LOTO – ‘we did not sanction hiding Democracy Review page from search engines’

noindex google

Yesterday, the SKWAWKBOX revealed the ‘noindex‘ metatag added to the Labour party web page for Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘democracy review’. The effect of this tag is to prevent the page being listed in search engine results.

Labour’s HQ confirmed that the tag was not accidental and referred to emails that had been sent to members with a link to provide their input to the review – but this begs the question of why bother putting the page on the site at all if you’re going to hide it.

Now the situation has become murkier with confirmation to this blog by a leader’s office (LOTO) source that neither Corbyn nor his office had given approval for the noindex measure:

We absolutely did not sanction that tag or anything else that would limit the number of people participating. On the contrary, we want input from as many people as possible so we get the benefit of everyone’s perspective.

Whatever the intent behind the insertion of the code into the page, it was done or ordered by someone at ‘DarkSide’ – LOTO’s nickname for the party’s bureaucratic Southside HQ – without consultation with Jeremy Corbyn and his team.

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