LDem councillor in line for promotion lost nursing reg for racist comments

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In an unusual move, Newcastle-under-Lyme Tory council group leader Simon Tagg recently nominated a LibDem Councillor, Marion Reddish, for the position of Chair of the council’s licensing committee – a significant and sensitive responsibility. As no other nominations were made, Ms Reddish is set to be elected unopposed:

Ms Reddish refers to her experience as a former nurse in her entry on the Newcastle-under-Lyme LibDems website:

Ms Reddish’s full name is Marion Lynne Reddish, as her paperwork for the 2016 Thistleberry ward election shows:

In 2007, Bournemouth University published a series of case studies of NMC (Nursing & Midwifery Council) disciplinary proceedings in a section of its website on healthcare law and ethics.

Included among those case studies was one in 2005 concerning a Marion Reddish or, to be more precise, Marion Lynne Reddish.

Marion Lynne Reddish was brought before the NMC disciplinary committee for a series of serious allegations over a period of some sixteen months at Bucknall Hospital, which is just a few miles from her home in Newcastle under Lyme. Allegations that were proved – because Ms Reddish admitted her guilt:

Those charges concerned serious misconduct relating to the nursing care she provided – and relating to her general behaviour.

The nursing care charges were serious and included, among others, administering the wrong drugs to a patient including an anti-coagulant, inappropriately mixing different drugs, breaches of hygiene and infection control and treating patients without proper dignity.

However, those are not the end of the charges. Ms Reddish was also charged with abuse of colleagues and the use of racist language:

The NMC acknowledged Ms Reddish’s claim of mitigating circumstances and her expressed remorse, but it considered them no excuse for what it described as “catalogue of behaviour represents a course of conduct totally incompatible with being a member of the nursing profession” was clear-cut and emphatic:

Local voters in Newcastle under Lyme are also entitled to ask whether it’s compatible with being a councillor for their town, especially one about to assume a position of influence.

Ms Reddish could not be reached for comment has been emailed for her response when she is available. The Liberal Democrat party has been contacted about the matter has so far not responded. The Trust that used to manage Bucknall Hospital did not wish to comment.

The NMC has confirmed that the hearing took place. Newcastle-under-Lyme locals state that Cllr Reddish did indeed work at Bucknall Hospital.

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