Fin Times writer tries to troll SKWAWKBOX. Backfires hilariously

This morning, the excellent Labour MP Laura Pidcock tweeted about the fantastic interview she gave to the SKWAWKBOX a couple of weeks ago. Happy days.

Sebastian Payne, political leader writer for the Financial Times decided this was a good opportunity to troll this blog and the estimable Ms P:

It’s ‘whither’, as in ‘where to’, rather than ‘wither’ (shrivel), but let’s be generous and assume he was exceeding his 140-character Tweet limit and didn’t want to leave out his comma.

‘Conspiracist’, like ‘fake news’, is a lazy accusation often thrown by right-winger at sites they find inconvenient. But Mr Payne would have been better advised staying tucked up with his thesaurus, as the law of unintended consequences was about to kick in as Twitter users decide to troll back in what rapidly became a long of slap-downs, some artful and some brutal. Here are just a few of the best:

A bonus point for imagination:

Perhaps we should ask James to do some more tweets for fundraising purposes:

Extra marks here for the interesting use of capitals:

And, perhaps the pick of a very good bunch so far:

A very few people did try to defend poor Seb’s point – and met a similar fate:

Whatever it was that Mr Payne hoped to achieve with his original tweet, we’re pretty sure this wasn’t it.

If you want to read the full thread, which contains many more gems than shown above, in all its glory you can do so here.

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