Trump’s #Guam call transcript has to be seen to be believed

During the Cuban missile crisis, John F Kennedy became a hero to much of the world’s population, credited with pulling the world back from the brink of nuclear disaster with statecraft, a little help from spies in Russia and great oratory.

Donald Trump’s phonecall – of which a transcript is now in circulation – to the governor of the Pacific Island of Guam, which is feeling threatened by the prospect of North Korean missile tests, will certainly propel Trump into his own, unique historical bracket.

Not in a good way.

The official White House press release about the conversation was succinct and professional:

Trump’s conversation was not:

Rambling. Inane. Narcissistic. Vacuous. An empty vessel making the most noise. An empty vessel with his finger on the nuclear button.

The governor apparently told Trump that Guam has never felt safer.

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