Great news for Rachael_Swindon


Labour – and especially Corbyn – supporters on social media will be aware of the fantastic contribution to Labour campaigning by @Rachael_Swindon, who was prominent in a list of the UK’s most politically-influential women on social media after the recent General Election for the impact of her memes and tweets.

Rachael, who is a mother of two and a full-time carer to a disabled husband, has been under attack from right-wingers, including a malignant and malicious report to the DWP that resulted in the cessation of benefits for a period during which SKWAWKBOX readers came to the rescue.

Now Rachael has some good news. After five years homeless, she and her family now have a permanent home away from the area where she received so much grief and will be moving in in a couple of weeks.

SKWAWKBOX readers will no doubt want to congratulate Rachael. If you would like to make a ‘house-warming’ gift – the house is unfurnished and uncarpeted, so will need to be fitted out from scratch – please visit her blog page and use the donate button there.

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