CAC ballot paperwork now revised to show nominations. Here they are

The SKWAWKBOX covered yesterday the omission, against all usual practice, of the number of nominations by CLPs (constituency Labour parties) of the four candidates for two CAC (Conference Arrangements Committee) positions. The CAC is a vital committee because it decides the business to be discussed at each year’s annual Labour Party Conference, where key issues of the party’s rules and policies are decided.

A tweet by one of the candidates showing the placeholder for the nomination figure in the proof of her statement

In previous years, the number of CLP nominations for each candidate are shown, so that members who wish to gauge the extent of support for each candidate in the wider party can do so.

The proofs of the papers for this year’s election had a place marked for the insertion of the nominations, but these were not shown on the version sent out.

After an urgent NEC investigation, a version with the nominations has replaced the unnumbered version in new ballots sent out, although many members will already have received ballots without the nomination numbers. The official count of nominations is shown below but the SKWAWKBOX understands that a number of nominations for Billy Hayes and Seema Chandwani were not included in the totals:

The SKWAWKBOX asks its readers to vote for Seema Chandwani and Billy Hayes, who are candidates with a solid track record of genuine activism on behalf of members and of support for Labour’s vision and direction under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn and his team.

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