Corbyn team’s elegant ‘payback’ for election-night HQ lock-out


As the SKWAWKBOX exclusively revealed on Friday, right-leaning Labour HQ staff got ahead of themselves on General Election polling day.

Believing their own propaganda about electoral disaster for Labour and assuming a coup could be launched the following day, they deactivated the door passes and email addresses of Jeremy Corbyn’s team – who then arrived that evening as news of Labour’s surge began to crystallise, to find they couldn’t get into the building.

Labour’s gains in the election put egg all over the face of those responsible for this prideful idiocy and lamentable lack of connection with what was going on at the grassroots.

The hubris of the move ought to be astonishing, but sadly is not. A clear-out at Labour’s HQ is long overdue, to bring the Labour bureaucracy into line with the party’s vision and membership.

The Southside building that houses Labour’s HQ

But those recalcitrant, over-eager staffers are already paying a price for their ‘premature attackulation’ – thanks to some impressive sang froid by Jeremy Corbyn and his team.

A senior Labour source told the SKWAWKBOX:

Jeremy’s team don’t even know whether the access cards or email addresses have been restored – they haven’t bothered checking. They’ve been using their parliamentary emails instead for some time now. It’s more secure – and if a meeting with Southside is necessary, they make them come to Westminster.

So, humiliation isn’t the only cost to the HQ plotters for their rash action and ‘echo-chamber’ insularity. They’re also now having to trail half a mile along Victoria Street for every meeting with Corbyn or his team, like naughty schoolchildren along the corridor to the headmaster’s office.

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