May: ‘terrorists hate our human rights – so I’ll rip them up’ #GE17

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Theresa May seems at home in that bastion of human rights, Saudi Arabia

Could anything more clearly show the absolute chaos, bankruptcy and utter untrustworthiness of Theresa May, her party and their worldview than her response this week to the latest terrorist atrocity on her watch?

On Sunday, May stood in front of Downing Street and told the nation and the world that terrorists attack us because they hate ‘western values’ of human rights.

Today, she told journalists that she will ‘tear up’ human rights in order to combat islamist terrorism:

This is the equivalent of burning down your house so someone can’t break its windows.

Or, more precisely, burning down someone else’s home so someone can’t break the windows.

Theresa May has betrayed both her spinelessness and her fundamental lack of humanity in the ridiculous, shameless contradictions of the last two days.

Spineless, because in her readiness to curtail our freedoms she is surrendering to the terrorists’ aims.

Inhumane, because she has long hated the Human Rights Act, has been waiting for an opportunity to end it and is brazenly exploiting the tragic deaths and injuries of the victims in Manchester and London – tragedies her actions and inaction made more likely – to do it.

She can’t be trusted to run a raffle, let alone a country. She must be removed on Thursday.

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