Desperate Tories insult terror victims with lies about #shoottokill #GE17

The SKWAWKBOX has shown the Conservatives routinely lying about their Labour opponents and Labour’s leader Jeremy Corbyn in their attempts to retrieve their disastrous campaign.

But the Tories sank to a new low today when they propagated a known lie about Corbyn’s position on ‘shoot to kill’ in terror situations:

As SKWAWKBOX follower Danielle pointed out so promptly, the Tories are referring to a video interview between Corbyn and the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg – an interview for which she was found guilty by the BBC Trust of bias and inaccuracy:

Ms Kuenssberg asked Corbyn one question and then voiced over it so he appeared to be answering a different question, giving a completely false impression, as the Guardian article made clear:

The Tories, of course, are fully aware of this – and are showing utter contempt for the memories of those who died in Manchester and London, for those injured and for the families affected by not only trying to exploit their suffering for political gain but lying in order to do so.

Corbyn has, of course, made his own position absolutely clear in a speech that the BBC has ignored but others have lauded as the words of a Prime Minister in waiting. And the COnservatives know this, too..

Clearly the Tories are grasping at even the most manure-covered straws to try to rescue a campaign that has completely fallen into chaos – with even former top Tory advisor Steve Hilton saying today that May should resign for her failings in relation to the terro attacks:

But desperation is no excuse for this despicable behaviour. There can be no excuse.

There can only be a reckoning – their removal on Thursday in utter disgrace.

(As you can see above, the Tories are asking their followers to share the lie. The truth needs to go wider still – you can help by sharing this.)

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