Desperate #Tories lying in their latest leaflets #GE17


Letters landing on doormats this week sent by Theresa May to unwary voters shows signs of Tory desperation – and an shameless lie.

The letter, snappily titled ‘Making Brexit a success is central to our national interest‘, carries an image of Mrs May that can hardly be called engaging (shown above, although we added the text) – unlike ‘rock star‘ Jeremy Corbyn – and some extremely awkward language, as well as that lie. Here it is.

The leaflet claims that everyone will pay more tax under Labour, when Labour’s manifesto contains a firm promise that no one earning under £80,000 will pay more in tax or national insurance, meaning that 95% of the people of this country will pay nothing extra.

This is the same lie that the CCHQ has been promoting as ‘fake news’ on social media:

We expect the Tories to mislead and misrepresent. But outright lies suggest they’re seriously worried about Labour’s surge in the polls and the huge popularity of Jeremy Corbyn.

Of course, they don’t leave out the misleading statements either, including some that show their continuing economic illiteracy. The claim that Labour’s policies would result in fewer jobs, for example.

Higher pay for lower-paid people, proper investment in the NHS and the rest of the public sector etc would be a massive boost for local economies and therefore the national one. Money given to low earners circulates far faster than money in the bank account of a billionaire or corporation – and therefore has a far bigger positive impact on the economy.

The claim that the ‘local Labour candidate’ has said a vote for him locally doesn’t matter nationally is also bizarre in the extreme, as there doesn’t appear to be any record of a local Labour candidate saying that in Wiltshire or anywhere else. So it appears the Tories are just, well, making stuff up.

The language of the leaflet is clunky to say the least. The title is hardly catchy but the leaflets are going out with the body text shoddily containing both the first name and last name of the recipient.

The details have been deleted to protect the identity of the person who sent the leaflet to the SKWAWKBOX, but May addresses the recipient in a ‘firstname_lastname’ format:

If your name was Joe Smith, you’d expect the letter to say. ‘with your help Joe’ or ‘with your help Mr Smith’. But May’s letter would say

But with your help Joe Smith together we can get it right.

Who talks like that?

Of course, it’s just shoddy compilation of the merge fields they’ve used to create the letter – but the Tories are asking voters to trust them with Brexit when they can’t even compile or proof-read properly.

Nobody will be surprised to find the Tories lying to the populace. Honesty would be deadly to their prospects – as their admission of their plans for our children and pensioners showed last week.

But they’re putting these leaflets onto the doormats of people who are unlikely to know better. We need to make a big noise about the lies and about the reality they’re designed to mask – so as few as possible are fooled.

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