Emergency appeal: malicious attack on pro-JC campaigner


Pro-Corbyn blogger @Rachael_Swindon is one of the most tireless campaigners for Labour, Corbyn and a fairer society that you’ll ever find.

As well as blogging and creating some of the strongest memes to support Labour’s message, she is a full-time mother of two kids who also cares full-time for her disabled husband, who recently took a turn for the worse. As a result, she and her family are in the support group of ESA and PIP, which allowed them – just about – to scrape by, except when the DWP screwed up.

Until now.

Because of her effectiveness, Rachael has angered right-wingers both inside and outside the Labour party. Because she has a ‘donate’ button on her blog, in case the occasional donation comes in to help eke out meagre benefits, someone made a malicious report to the DWP, triggering an investigation.

Let’s be clear, Rachael has done nothing wrong – being on benefits doesn’t mean someone can’t give you a gift. It’s not earned income. But the DWP has suspended all benefits to Rachael and her family while they investigate – pushing her into desperate straits that have now become very desperate indeed..

This is part of a clearly coordinated series of attacks on some of the most effective pro-Corbyn bloggers and campaigners. The SKWAWKBOX has been targeted, as have others.

The ‘person’ responsible for this is slime. But there are far more good -hearted people out there.

If you are able to help Rachael, however small the amount, please go as soon as you can to her blog and use the donate button. Thank you for your help for great campaigner in an emergency, who’s paying a high price for doing the right thing – and for your support for the cause of making this a better country to live in.

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