Attack our grans AND babies? #ToryManifesto is #stupidestsuicidenote in history

Leaks of the Tory manifesto, which is set to be published tomorrow, indicate that Theresa May and her party are about to let their hubris persuade them to take a step of almost unimaginable political stupidity.

The Tories have long counted pensioners as a key constituency – older people vote and by appealing to selfish instincts by protecting pensions and other key pensioner benefits, the Conservatives have, for a long time, persuaded too many of the elderly to vote for them.

Similarly, the Tories have promoted the lie that austerity is necessary so that we don’t ‘burden our children with debt’ – a lie that has survived the Tories incompetence in running up more debt since 2010 than every Labour government in history combined only with the assistance of shameless lies from the Establishment media.

In doing this, they’ve fooled some parents into supporting measures that have damaged our economy, created the slowest economic recovery in centuries – and run up that massive debt.

Now, whether out of pride or out of desperation to look tough, they are attacking both our grans and our babies.

It’s a move of breathtaking stupidity.

The Tories plan to attack the elderly by removing the winter fuel allowance that helps pensioners keep warm in the winter:

Even more recklessly, the Tories are planning to make older people pay for their social care, when everyone who relies on it is already in desperate trouble because of savage Tory cuts to funding:

That’s not all. Theresa May’s refusal to confirm that she won’t scrap the pensions ‘triple lock’ that protects pensioners’ income, makes clear that she intends to scrap it but lacks the courage to say so before the election.

Not content with granny-bashing, the Tories are also intent on hurting our babies.

Millions of children rely on free school meals to underpin their health and education – and Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour has announced it will extend free school meals to all children, to ensure that no child is stigmatised. It’s a huge, wise, compassionate promise that even the most small-minded can instinctively ‘get‘.

The Tories will announce plans to do the opposite – to remove free school meals. Considering that Theresa May once said she wanted to end the Tories’ reputation as ‘the nasty party’, it’s astonishingly crass – and stupid.

Teachers are already buying food for their poorer pupils, many of whom arrive at school unfed and unable to concentrate even at the start of the day. Now the Tories want to take away their free lunch, damaging their health, their education and their life chances.

A list of these and other Tory manifesto plans reveals the bankruptcy of their ideas and morality. Every one of them will hurt or horrify the majority of us:

The Tories’ inability to understand the real-life concerns of ordinary people has led them into a dangerous cul-de-sac – a dead end that may leave their campaign stranded with no turning room, as voters brick up the exit behind them.

With Corbyn’s popularity and Labour’s polling surging – and with Labour’s transformational manifesto building a groundswell in the party’s favour – the Conservatives are looking dangerous, callous. Unstable.

And idiotically reckless.

The Establishment media tomorrow will no doubt drone endlessly on about May’s ‘boldness’, ‘toughness’, about her willingness to ‘take difficult decisions’ and how this reflects the Tories’ presumed position of strength.

But even the most blinkered and self-centred person cares about their gran and grandad, about their kids, nieces, nephews. It’s hardwired into all of us but the sociopaths.

The only way that this does not turn the nation against the Tories is if people swallow the lies of the Establishment media or don’t hear about the Tories’ horrendous disregard for our vulnerable.

Don’t allow that to happen. It’s up to all of us to prevent it.

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