Corbyn’s ‘mic drop’ moment – even ITV News gets on board (video)

jc mic drop

Could some of the mainstream media already be waking up to the energy and strong start of Corbyn’s campaign? Certainly it’s in such stark contrast to the dry, dull-as-ditchwater Theresa May and her stage-managed launch that it must be causing tremors.

Corbyn handled the worst the media tried to throw at him this morning with aplomb – and even ITV News, hardly a hotbed of pro-Corbyn news since his election as Labour leader, got on board and spread the word:

If you’re already getting the sense that all is not going to go according to the media/Tory he’s-got-no-chance narrative, you’re not alone. Even election pundit John Curtice said yesterday that the best Theresa May might get is what she has now while the LibDems might gain back some of the seats they lost to the Tories in 2015 – and that was before 2 days of strong Corbyn performances and Theresa May’s Bolton fiasco.

Similarly, Berenberg Bank’s Kallum Pickering – again before any of the launch events – told the BBC yesterday morning that his bank calculates a 20% chance of a hung Parliament.

Theresa May might have scored a huge own goal in her fear and hubris – and Corbyn has rocked the Establishment with his storming start. It’s up to us to make sure the Tories regret it.

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